If you absolutely need to squeeze every last dollar out of your used guitar, you are probably better off selling it yourself on eBay or Craigslist. I have no interest in ripping people off for a quick buck when I can pay a fair price and have them return to my store again and again. How much less? Well, it depends.Īt Replay Guitar Exchange, we want customers for life. Obviously, we need to pay less than that. Now, what is the Epi worth? It appears that used models are actually selling for about $375, which is what we could expect to get for it in our store. We don’t know how much less, but I would guess 10-20%. In some cases, the price is crossed out, which means it sold for less than that amount.
I could create a listing right now on an Epiphone Les Paul Standard Plus Top Pro and set the price at $5,000. The problem is that anyone can list anything on eBay for any price. We use several different sources for pricing information and eBay is one of them. Most people do a little research on their own before visiting us by searching eBay.
So, how do we figure out what we can pay for a guitar? To muddy the waters further, you may have seen it listed on eBay at a very high price. The most-often ask question is, “ How much is my guitar worth?” Well, the worth of something is rather subjective, isn’t it? After all, a guitar might have a certain sentimental or aesthetic value that makes it worth far more to you than anyone else.